Board of Directors

Alliance of 7-Eleven Franchisees FOARehan Hashmi, President
 Faisal Khan, Vice President
 Dharmender (Dave) Singh, Vice President
Baltimore FOABarbara Graham, President
 Amir Aslam, Vice President
Cal-Neva FOAKenneth Smitreski, President
 Navjeet Singh, Vice President
Central Florida FOADylan Halim, President
 Aman Singh Dhillon, Executive Vice President
 Brijesh (BJ) Patel, Vice President
Central Valley FOAJivtesh Gill, President
 Sukhvinder (Sukhi) Sandhu, Vice President
Chesapeake Bay FOABrett Creekmore, President
 Gerald Masters, Vice President
Chesapeake Division FOAAmit Dhanda, President
Chicagoland FOAJaimin Pandya, President
 Hitesh Doshi, Vice President
Columbia Pacific FOAHarbhajan Ghotra, President
 Agiapal (Paul) Mann, Vice President
 Stan Singh, Vice President (North)
 Muhammad N Sikandar, Vice President (South)
Delaware Valley FOAManzoor Chughtai, President
 Raju Patel, Vice President
Detroit FOALarry Penzien, President
 Abid Jamil, Executive Vice President
 Fazal Abbas, Vice President
 Muhammad Ali Ghauri, Vice President
 Sandeep Singh, Vice President
East Coast FOAVatsal Chokshi, President
 Dhananjay Patel, Vice President
Eastern Virginia FOARomy Singh, President
 Sanket Acharya, Senior Vice President
 Jitesh (Jack) Patel, Vice President
 Inderjeet Singh, Vice President
Greater Bay FOASatinder S Gill, President
 Manjit Minhas, Vice President
 Jaswinder (Jas) Singh, Vice President
Greater Los Angeles FOAGurmeet Brar, President
 Sanjeev (Jolly) Kumar, Vice President
Greater Northwest FOAChander Shekhar, President
 Dilbag Singh Rai, Vice President
 Prem Singh, Vice President
Greater Oregon FOANaeem Khan, President
 Rehan Ashraf , Vice President
Joe Saraceno FOAHarnek Thiara, President
 Balwinder Singh Binner, Vice President
Kansas City/St. Louis FOAFaisal Asad, President
 Khalid Asad, Vice President
Keystone FOASukhvir S Thind, President
 Devendrakumar (Dev) Patel, Vice President
 Balwinder Singh, Vice President
Metro New Jersey FOAHari Patel, President
 Mital Patel, Vice President
Michigan FOAAli Haider, President
 Hardeep Bal, Vice President
Midwest FOAJoseph (Joe) Rossi, President
 Jigar Shah, Vice President
 Nisar Siddiqui, Vice President
Northeast FOATahir Chaudhary, President
 Mohammed Malik, Vice President
Northern California FOAJagmeet Grewal, President
 Manish Garg, Vice President
Rocky Mountain FOASalinder Samra, President
 Xavier Castanon, Vice President (North)
 Michelle Niccoli, Vice President (South)
Sacramento Valley FOAJatinder (Jay) Brar, President
 Harprit Dhillon, Vice President
 Iqbal Singh Gill, Vice President
San Diego FOABerinder Sidhu, President
 Sukhminder S Dhillon, 1st Vice President
 Rajkaran S. Hundal, 2nd Vice President
San Fran/Monterey Bay FOAInderjit Singh Sidhu, President
 Atamjit (AJ) Dhanoa, Vice President
South Florida FOATeeto Shirajee, President
 Terry Hutchison, Vice President
South Nev/Las Vegas FOAAman Singh, President
 Farhood Forooghi, Vice President
South Texas FOABalwinder Singh Dhillon, President
 Daxesh Acharya, Vice President
Southern California FOAAmandip (Bill) Gill, Acting President
 Nachhatar (Nick) Bhullar, President
 Jawad Ursani, Vice President
Suburban Washington FOAArvinder Singh Makkar, President
 Sunil Kapoor, Vice President
Texas FOARajneesh Singh, President
 Mesfin Sahleyesus, Executive Vice President
 Minhaj Kareem, Vice President
 Ravi Malik, Vice President
 Sanjiv Shelly, Vice President
 Aravinda Shetty, Vice President
UFOLI,NY FOABasit Khurshid, President
 Syed Asad Ahmad, Vice President
United Franchise Owners of Florida FOARandhir (Dave) Singh, President
 Edward DeNorio, Vice President
 Dhaval G Patel, Vice President
Utah FOASaima Khan, President
West Coast FOAPaul Ghuman, President
 Randeep S Dhami, Vice President