The Benefits Of Joining Your Local 7-Eleven FOA

By Joe Rossi, NCASEF Executive Vice Chair

In our fast-paced and competitive industry, it is vital to seek support and resources to maintain a thriving enterprise. As a 7-Eleven franchisee, joining your local Franchise Owners Association (FOA) can provide numerous benefits that will contribute to the growth and success of your store. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of being part of such an organization.

One of the primary benefits is access to a wealth of educational resources. As an FOA member, you become part of, not only a local, but a national network that connects you with valuable information from both the National Coalition and SEI. You will also have access to vendor resources and new items before even SEI becomes aware of them, which make FOA-member stores the first to carry the latest innovations from our vendor partners. This knowledge offers a clear roadmap for conducting your business and addressing systemic issues that may arise. The educational opportunities provided by your local FOA ensure that you are equipped with the latest insights and best practices to help you navigate our ever-evolving 7-Eleven business.

Another advantage is the sense of camaraderie and support within the community. Local FOAs function as a fraternity, where members can rely on one another for guidance and assistance. This network of fellow franchise owners cultivates a collaborative environment that encourages mutual growth and success. By leveraging the collective knowledge and experience of your peers, you can overcome obstacles and develop innovative solutions to your individual challenges. After all, there is a power in numbers that allows us to get things done.

The relationship between the FOA and local municipalities is another significant benefit. Being part of a unified group gives you a stronger voice when dealing with ordinances and other regulatory matters. This collective strength ensures that your concerns are heard and addressed, enabling you to focus on running your store more efficiently and profitably.

Furthermore, FOA events such as trade shows, charity golf outings, and holiday parties provide exceptional networking opportunities. These gatherings allow you to connect with other franchisees and our vendor partners to share ideas and experiences, and establish lasting business relationships. The friendships formed through these events contribute to the overall sense of belonging and solidarity within the 7-Eleven franchisee community.

If you are a 7-Eleven franchisee and have not yet joined your local FOA, I highly recommend looking into it. The easiest way to find your local FOA is by visiting the National Coalition website. The process of joining is straightforward—just scan the QR code included with this article that takes you to 7-Help and follow the instructions outlined in the sidebar. The benefits gained from being an FOA member far outweigh the initial investment of time and effort. As a member, you will not only gain access to crucial resources and support, but you will also become a part of a community that cares about your success as much as their own.