Legislative Action Alert: Menu-Labeling Requirements

Issue: Menu-Labeling Requirements

The National Coalition is calling upon franchisees to support a new bill that will reform rigid menu-labeling requirements introduced by President Obama’s Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (PPACA), which in its current state creates an unreasonable and costly burden on 7-Eleven storeowners.  Among other things, PPACA mandates that foodservice establishments provide specific nutritional information on menus, menu boards and drive-thru boards.  All franchisees need to support corrective legislation introduced by Rep. John Carter of Texas late last month – H.R. 6174, the Common Sense Nutrition Disclosure Act of 2012 – by calling and writing your congressmen now.

According to NACS, H.R. 6174 outlines a less burdensome approach to menu-labeling and includes language addressing the types of retail locations covered by federal menu-labeling requirements. The legislation limits a provision in the healthcare law to establishments that derive 50 percent or more of their revenue from food intended for immediate consumption or prepared and processed onsite. Prepackaged food will not be considered in this equation, so most convenience stores will be exempt under the new legislation.

Congress is in recess right now and will return on September 10. It will be in session only for a few weeks before breaking again for the election and will return in November.  Our aim is to get as many co-sponsors as possible so that this bill will gain traction in the closing days of this session.  It is critical that you write or call your representative and ask them to cosponsor this bill now!

Action Needed: Write Your Representative Now!

Please write your representative and ask him/her to address this issue.

It’s easy, and only takes a minute or two!

Just visit this NACS website (https://www.votervoice.net/NACS/Campaigns/29482/Respond) where you will be able to write your Representative using a pre-set form.  Simply fill out your name, email address and snail mail address and the software will do the rest – it will automatically send a letter to your representative (based on your zip code):

1)  thanking them for cosponsoring H.R. 6174 if they’re already signed-on to the bill, or

2)  urging them to cosponsor H.R. 6174

Please act now!  It is important that we gain sponsors for and pass this legislation which will relieve convenience store owners of ponderous and expensive labeling requirements.