Archive for Author 'John Santiago', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.

When Vendors’ Resources Are Stretched Thin, Franchisees Suffer: Is This Fair?

  I’ve been a franchisee for many years and I’ve seen my share of unfair practices by SEI. In some instances, I let things roll off my chest. I’ve come to realize that some battles aren’t worth fighting. But in other instances, like the way that SEI is treating their vendors, I feel that something […]

Focusing On The Monthly Sales Planners

  Over the last few months, there has been increasing talk about the number of promotions we run during any given period. At times we are presented with as many as 175 promotions to execute. As you all know, it’s extremely time consuming to get your store ready for all of this promotional activity. It […]

Two Issues Will Affect Our Future

  As we begin 2016, perhaps the two biggest issues facing franchisees are the new franchise agreement coming our way in three years and the minimum wage increases occurring in states and cities across the country. There’s no denying our business environment is changing, so it is essential that SEI and franchisees work together to […]

Is The Tail Wagging The Dog?

  One of my favorite movies is the 1997 feature entitled “Wag the Dog.” The all-star cast includes Dustin Hoffman, Robert DeNiro, Willie Nelson and Anne Heche. The plot involved the creation of a make-believe war to distract attention from a scandal involving a sitting president. In case you haven’t seen this excellent film, I […]

From Holiday Party 2014 To Holiday Party 2015: Despite Promises, Not Much Has Changed

  The holidays are usually a time of happiness, excitement and enthusiasm for what the New Year will bring. This was certainly the case last year, in December 2014, when the Franchise Owners Association of Chicagoland (FOAC) hosted its annual holiday party and invited our CEO, Joe DePinto, to be part of the festivities. Not […]

What A Wonderful Life

  It was the day before Thanksgiving and I was in my store completing my CDC order on the GOTT. A customer walked in and wished me a happy Thanksgiving. We talked about how thankful we should be to have our families, our health and a job or a business in this economy. He asked […]

Looking At 2015 And Into The Future Of 2016

  As the end of 2015 quickly approaches, it’s a good time to look back and reflect on our sales and profits. Sales in many parts of the country have exceeded expectations with good levels of sales increases, and the addition of hot foods has brought new guests to our stores via word of mouth. […]

Update On The Minimum Wage

  Minimum wage, one of the hottest issues among the franchisee community, is causing franchisees to have fear and skepticism about the future. Folks are concerned how this is going to impact the franchise business model. In some areas, the minimum wage is going to the $15 range over the next five years, a good […]

FDA Tobacco Compliance—An Opportunity For SEI And NCASEF To Make Common Cause

  The dictionary defines making common cause “as uniting one’s interest with another’s.” This is another way of saying that there are certain opportunities, when two parties have similar interests and concerns, to effectuate their goals more effectively by working in concert, collaboratively, cooperatively and in good faith. Over the past 18 months, this has […]

The Hot Foods Program And My Store

  When 7-Eleven Inc. approached me about installing the hot foods program in my store my initial reaction was one of great anticipation because I had heard from franchisees around the country that the business was good if you had the proper clientele in the proper location. I was eager to find out. This was […]