Archive for Author 'John Santiago', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.

Focus On The 2019 Agreement

  Some eight months ago, the officers of the National Coalition met with 7-Eleven, Inc. President Joe DePinto and his top executives for only the second time in as many years. It turned out to be a very encouraging and frank discussion, and we were promised a “holistic review” of the next franchise contract would […]

Looking Beyond The 100 Days Of Summer

  This year we have all enjoyed increased sales and profits thanks to some unexpected great weather. Since the beginning of the year we have been able to reap the benefits of warmer temperatures and sunny skies, and during that time create some net worth in our stores that will hopefully help carry us through […]

The Recent Updates In Accounting

  We just came back from a very successful convention and trade show in Chicago, which many of you are no doubt still buzzing about. For the first time in many years SEI upper management attended the event, including President and CEO Joe DePinto, who came to the first day of the trade show and […]

Settlement Terms Of DVR Lawsuit Finalized

  In May 2014 National Chairman Joe Galea, Executive Vice Chairman Jivtesh Gill and the other members of the NCASEF Executive Team filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California against SEI for breach of contract, conversion, and declaratory judgment involving the new video monitoring equipment installed in […]

Leadership In SEI And NCASEF

  No society or business can function well without able leadership at all levels—and SEI and NCASEF can be no exception. It must be said, though, that we as franchisees sometimes cherish the thought that we can do without any leadership at all. We are apt to warp the traditional idea of “principles before personalities” […]

The Problems With Our Ordering System

  Several years ago SEI introduced RISE, the new ordering software and the next step in the ongoing development of the franchisee ordering system. As usual, when something new is launched by 7-Eleven, there is a lot of hoopla and excitement by the management team. We were told this system was the “best of the […]

Can You Hear Me Now?

  I was pleased to report last issue that we have accomplished the task of fixing the FIW (Financial Impact Worksheet) being used as a tool to bash franchisees with their own mistakes or employee incompetence, and I am hoping we have put all remnants of the FIW and reports like it behind us for […]

Easing The Burden Of Rising Labor Costs

  One of the bigger issues causing tremendous concern for 7-Eleven franchisees these days is the wave of minimum wage increases spreading across the country. As small business owners it’s very troubling to see cities raising their minimum wages from $7.25 an hour or a little more, to as much as $15 an hour, because […]

On The Path To System Improvements

  Running a successful 24/7 convenience store business is challenging during the best of times, but it becomes downright discouraging when your franchisor creates more problems before solving the ones you already have. That has been the situation for franchisees over the last several years, but things as of late have been changing, and SEI […]

National Coalition Solicits Franchisee Opinions And Views

  As your General Counsel, one of my roles is to ensure that the issues we advance on behalf of the National Coalition accurately reflect the priorities, concerns and viewpoints of not just the Executive Officers and the Board, but also of the constituent franchisees who are members of the FOAs that comprise what is […]