Archive for Author 'Toni Antonetti', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.

Franchise Fees Upon Transfer – A Common Sense Approach

BY MICHAEL JORGENSEN, EXECUTIVE VICE CHAIRMAN, NCASEF I recently watched a youTube video that someone had shared of the Australian Parliamentary Joint Committee On Corporations and Financial Services inquiry regarding the operation and effectiveness of the Franchising Code of Conduct. The Australian government is taking a hard look at the franchising model and the various […]

Promos Are Not the Answer to Declining Customer Counts

BY AJINDER HANDA, NCASEF VICE ChAIRMAN, PRESIDENT, GREATER SEATTLE FOA Not too long ago we used to generate more profit at our stores thanks to traffic drivers that helped us maintain our customer counts and margins. But lately, it seems like our whole store is on promotion. In the last three to four years, I […]

NCASEF 2018 Convention Photos

View all the photos taken at the NCASEF 43rd Anniversary Convention and Trade Show in Florida and download the ones you want to keep. Simply click on a thumbnail to view the larger image, then right-click on the larger image (or press the “Control” button and right click) and select “Save Image As” to copy […]

2018 NCASEF Convention Recap

Record attendance for 2018 NCASEF National Convention and Trade Show Surprise keynote address; time for family and friends in Orlando With a capacity crowd of 1800 franchise owners and vendors, the National Coalition marked the 2018 convention in Orlando as the most successful in its history. The convention featured a keynote address by National Coalition […]


ERIC H. KARP, ESQ., GENERAL COUNSEL TO NCASEF This one word encapsulates my view of not only the 2019 franchise agreement, but the deeply flawed and contrived process that led to its issuance. I have been practicing franchise law for more than 40 years. I represent many national franchisee associations. As part of my practice, […]

Unity is Strength…And Essential To Our Success and Very Existence

BY JACK W. RUGEN Former President UFOLINY Have you heard the story of the old farmer who was on the verge of death and confronted his three sons? His sons used to quarrel a lot among themselves. One day, he called all his sons and gave a stick to each one of them to break, […]

FOAs—The Backbone Of The Franchisee Community

By Jay Singh, Chairman, NCASEF 7-Eleven Franchise Owner’s Associations began forming in 1972, when 7-Eleven was in its infancy, and the world was ripe for franchising and for convenience stores in general. All was pretty right with the world, because everyone was making money, testing new ideas and essentially creating a new system as the […]

The Perfect Storm

By Michael Jorgensen, Executive Vice Chairman, NCASEF We are in the middle of a perfect storm. Or, as Thomas Paine wrote in The Crisis, “These are the times that try men’s souls.” This is certainly a very challenging time for our industry, and for our individual businesses. The environment is changing more than ever before, […]

Resolution Of Outlaw Laboratory Claims

ERIC H. KARP, ESQ., General Counsel to NCASEF Over the last several months, a large number of franchisees—354 to be exact—have received demand letters from the California-based law firm, Tauler Smith, LLP, stating that it represents Outlaw Laboratory, LP, the manufacturer, distributor and retailer of sexual enhancement products commonly known as Tri-Steel and TriSteel 8 […]

It’s Time to Get Back To Business

By Nick Bhullar, Vice Chairman, NCASEF Purchasing a franchise is in many ways like joining a family. Especially at 7-Eleven, where we get a lot of our services from our franchisor, we’re dependent on each other, and our success is shared. If the brand is successful with a good reputation, guests will react positively and […]