Archive for Items Categorized 'Avanti Magazine', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.

Who Is The Customer When It Comes To BT?

  As SEI rolls out the Hybrid Business Transformation model, with its consolidated beer and soda deliveries and McLane deliveries to stores all set on designated days, many questions continue to arise about this new distribution program. One of the questions we’ve always asked is, “Who is the customer when it comes to BT?” Is […]

Questions Over Recent Contract Maintenance Rate Hikes

  Most franchisees are aware by now that the cost for contract maintenance from SEI and FM Facility Maintenance has escalated. Every store should have received a packet from FM showing the new pricing summaries for each piece of equipment in your store. In the packet, FM mentions their continuing efforts to remain transparent in […]

Look For Your Franchisee Survey!

  Among independent franchisee associations in the United States, the National Coalition stands out—not only because of its 41-year longevity, its remarkable accomplishments, and its role in safeguarding the rights of franchise owners—but also because of its open and democratic governance structure. The Declaration of Independence, executed on July 4, 1776, serves as the foundation […]

Transparency Or Opacity?

  Opacity is defined as “the condition of lacking transparency or translucence, or obscurity of meaning.” If something is transparent, nothing is hidden from plain sight and everything is exposed—warts and all. If an object is opaque, then nothing inside is visible. During SEI’s recent CEO roundtable discussion in Dallas with various franchisees, our CEO […]

Where’s The Servant Leadership?

  SEI has touted servant leadership as the organizational mantra for the past nine years. In the 1970s, Robert Greenleaf coined the term in his published essay “The Servant As Leader.” Since Greenleaf’s work was published, the topic of servant leadership has grown in popularity as a method for teaching management in the workplace. The […]

A True Analysis Of Your Monthly Financial Statement

  Since becoming chairman of the National Coalition, one of the issues that has been brought to my attention consistently has been the reclassification of 7-Eleven franchisee operating expenses. This was brought to SEI’s attention in February, and at our Portland Board meeting in May it became a bigger issue of concern with franchisees. During […]

Finding Middle Ground On The DVR Security System

  On August 22, the National Coalition filed a revised complaint to SEI’s new Security System and Monitoring Amendment, which allows the company to remotely monitor our stores via the new DVR security surveillance system. The circumstances leading up to this moment began in 2012, when SEI first started rolling out the new security system. […]

Who Is the Customer, Anyway?

  In my high school and college years, I proudly worked in retail. Each of my employers reminded me to always respect the customer, because without them, they would correctly say, I would not have a job. In my later years as a shopper, I have rarely encountered someone who did not treat me with […]

Where Do We Go From Here?

  Where do we go from here? This is the big question percolating among members of the franchise community, SEI, and even within the vendor community. In 1967, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. isolated himself from the demands of the civil rights movement he helped found. He rented a small house in Jamaica with no […]

My First Six Months As Chairman

  In a recent article by former National Coalition legal counsel Arnold “Arnie” Hauptman, he spelled out everything I need to accomplish as the new chairman within six months before I could relax and enjoy the rest of the year. The list included encroachment, the tiered 7-Eleven charge or “Split,” franchise fees, the DVR security […]